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Carrots are one of the most widely enjoyed vegetables in the World. Carrots are a good source of antioxidants and they are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B8, Potassium, Iron, Copper and Manganese. Carrots have several Health and Skin benefits and most of these benefits are attributed to the Beta-carotene and fibre content of Carrots. golden colored items in the prom occasions

Here are some of the benefits of Carrot.



Carrot helps to improve vision

Regular consumption of Carrots reduces Cholesterol levels which can help prevent Heart disease

It helps improve blood circulation

It is an immunity booster

Carrot reduces the severity of constipation and aids digestion

Carrot is important in dental health as the minerals present in Carrot kill harmful germs in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.

Carrot contains phytoestrogen which relieve menstrual pain and bleeding.

It also helps menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes

Carrot aids in proper development of the foetus and reduces the risk of miscarriage

Regular consumption of Carrot helps in the production of Breast milk


Carrot reduces signs of premature and also helps prevent wrinkles

Carrot has anti-inflammatory properties which help to and tone the skin

Carrot provides protection against sun rays and helps in repairing skin tissues

Carrot juice is effective in getting rid of blemishes and scars

Carrot makes dry skin softer, smoother and firmer.
Hair benefits of carrot

Carrot prevents hair breakage and strengthens hair

Carrot helps stimulate hair growth

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